Technology Tools

AC uses Google to manage email, free Drive storage, campus Calendars, Docs, Sheets, and Slides

Google Tools

AC Student Email

Click to get started with AC Gmail

Pro tips:

  • Forward your AC email to your personal email account
  • At the beginning of each term, put your Course IDs in your signature. If you forget to put it in your email, your instructor will still be able to identify you to answer your question

Google Drive

Click to get started with Google Drive.


Store documents and projects for free. Access and share them from any device with internet access. You can also work on documents or projects collaboratively with classmates.

The storage limit for students is 20 GB.


Google Docs

Click to get started with Google Docs



Use Google docs for free word processing, to find templates, and to collaborate with classmates. Access your assignment from any device with an internet connection.

Google Calendar

Click to get started with Google Calendar

AC uses Google Calendar to organize its evens. You can subscribe to calendars to stay up-to-date on important deadlines for the academic year, sporting events, or holidays.

You can also use your Google calendar to set reminders for assignments or exams.

Google Sheets

Click to get started with Google Sheets


A free online spreadsheet and workbook software that you can access from any device with an internet connection. It’s very similar to Microsoft Excel and you can even upload and download files in Excel format.

Google Slides

Click to get started with Google Slides



Slides is an alternative to PowerPoint. Create presentations, collaborate with teammates, and access from any device with an internet connection.

Recommendations to help you succeed

Technolgy Requirements

Computer Requirements

For the best experience with online or Blackboard courses, we recommend our students’ computers/laptops have a minimum of 4GB RAM, 256GB HDD, a supported operating system (Windows 10), and Google Chrome installed as a browser.

Macbooks may also be used for most classes.

Please check the syllabus for your course to ensure that you have the equipment and software necessary.

Campus Wifi

Wi-Fi is available across campus.

Public Network:


Private Networks:



Students, faculty, and staff are strongly urged to use their private Wi-Fi network.

Mobile Apps

Google’s tools are all available as mobile apps and accessible from any device. Download using the app store on your device.

Microsoft Office 365’s mobile app is available in all app stores and allows access to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Though available, the Blackboard app is not fully functional and not recommended for doing more than Collaborate sessions, checking grades, or contributing to discussion boards.

Access software tools for free because you're an AC student

Free Downloads

Access Microsoft 365

Click to get started

Microsoft 365 is free to students. Click this box and create an account using your AC email address to get started.