
🖼️ Annual Cultural Celebration Art Exhibition

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Annual Cultural Celebration ExhibitionJan 21 – Feb 20 | ACA GalleryReception: Tuesday, February 11 | 6 PMCommunity artists led by Gary Roberts and Karen Christopher will come together again to celebrate culture and history through works of art in various media in a group exhibition.

Reception: Annual Cultural Celebration Art Exhibition

Annual Cultural Celebration ExhibitionJan 21 – Feb 20 | ACA GalleryReception: Tuesday, February 11 | 6 PMCommunity artists led by Gary Roberts and Karen Christopher will come together again to celebrate culture and history through works of art in various media in a group exhibition.eventOrganizer: AC Fine Arts

Nursing Transition (LVN-RN) Information Session

Nursing Information SessionsStudents are required to call and register for all nursing sessions:(936) 633-3200 or (936) 671-7344. All Nursing Sessions Location: Health Careers 1, Room 101 TRANSITION (LVN TO RN)SPRING 2025 Meeting Dates:TUESDAY   |  FEB 11  |  6 PM TUESDAY  |  MARCH 4  |  6 PM 

Pharmacy Technology Information Session

Angelina College Health Careers II, Room 223

Interested in this program? Attendance to an information session is mandatory before applying for the program.Pharmacy Technology Information SessionsSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:TUESDAY | FEB 11 | 6 PMTUESDAY | MAR 18 | 6 PMTUESDAY | APR 8 | 6 PMTUESDAY | MAY 6 | 6 PM – VIRTUALLocation:In-Person Sessions: HEALTH CAREERS II, ROOM 223Virtual link:

AC Open Gym

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Basketball, pickleball, indoor soccer


NONPROFIT MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONThursday, February 20, 2025 · 8:30am - 5pm CST$85 per personRegister: will learn the essentials of a successful nonprofit marketing plan.  During this class analysis of a nonprofit’s efforts will be evaluated.  Best practices of development, administration, maintenance, database management, public relations, and more will be strategized for their nonprofit.

Radiologic Tech Information Session


Link for all sessions: in number:+1-571-392-7650PIN: 348 725 0278

🖼️ Visiting Artist: Jacob Taylor Gibson

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Visiting Artist: Jacob Taylor GibsonFeb 25 – Apr 1 | ACA GalleryReception: Tues., February 25 | 6 PMThrough printmaking, ceramic sculpture, and installation, the artist will share works that are greatly influenced through childhood experience. Growing up in a now-impoverished town in Louisiana, Gibson took visual note of the state of his dwelling; a broken, […]

Career E&D Workshop: Professional Etiquette & Communication

Angelina College Student Center, Room 200D

Career E&D Workshop: PROFESSIONAL ETIQUETTE AND COMMUNICATION - EMAIL ETIQUETTE AND MORE11AM - 12:30PMSTUDENT CENTER, RM 200D (2ND FLOOR)All students are welcome to attend. This is a free workshop.

Respiratory Care Information Session

Angelina College Health Careers 2, Room 221

Attendance to an information session is required if you intend to apply to this program. Respiratory Care Information SessionsSpring 25 Meeting Dates:TUESDAY | JAN 28 | 5:30 PMTUESDAY | FEB 25 | 5:30 PMTUESDAY | APR 29 | 5:30 PM Location:HEALTH CAREERS II, ROOM 221

Reception: Jacob Taylor Gibson Reception

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Visiting Artist: Jacob Taylor Gibson ReceptionFeb | ACA Gallery | 6 PMThrough printmaking, ceramic sculpture, and installation, the artist will share works that are greatly influenced through childhood experience. Growing up in a now-impoverished town in Louisiana, Gibson took visual note of the state of his dwelling; a broken, leaking, and collapsing home, which seemed […]

Vocational Nursing Information Session

Students are required to call and register for all nursing sessions:(936) 633-3200 or (936) 671-7344. All Nursing Sessions Location: Health Careers 1, Room 101Vocational NursingSPRING 2025 Meeting Dates (for Fall 2025 start) TUESDAY |  FEB 4  |  6 PM TUESDAY |  FEB 25  |  6 PM

Nursing Transition (LVN-RN) Information Session

Nursing Information SessionsStudents are required to call and register for all nursing sessions:(936) 633-3200 or (936) 671-7344. All Nursing Sessions Location: Health Careers 1, Room 101 TRANSITION (LVN TO RN)SPRING 2025 Meeting Dates:TUESDAY   |  FEB 11  |  6 PM TUESDAY  |  MARCH 4  |  6 PM 

Sonography Virtual Info Session

Link for all sessions: Dial-in Information:+1-571-392-7650PIN: 424 648 5615

🎭 Twelve Angry Jurors

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Twelve Angry JurorsMar 6, 7, 8 (Thurs., Fri., & Sat.) | 7:30 PM | ACA Lab 110 (Black Box)Could you hold someone’s life in your hands? Could you stand against an overwhelming majority? Could you turn the tide? This amazing play is, by turns, tense, amusing, infuriating, thought-provoking and inspiring as it presents twelve exquisitely drawn […]

🎭 Twelve Angry Jurors

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Twelve Angry JurorsMar 6, 7, 8 (Thurs., Fri., & Sat.) | 7:30 PM | ACA Lab 110 (Black Box)Could you hold someone’s life in your hands? Could you stand against an overwhelming majority? Could you turn the tide? This amazing play is, by turns, tense, amusing, infuriating, thought-provoking and inspiring as it presents twelve exquisitely drawn […]

🎭 Twelve Angry Jurors

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Twelve Angry JurorsMar 6, 7, 8 (Thurs., Fri., & Sat.) | 7:30 PM | ACA Lab 110 (Black Box)Could you hold someone’s life in your hands? Could you stand against an overwhelming majority? Could you turn the tide? This amazing play is, by turns, tense, amusing, infuriating, thought-provoking and inspiring as it presents twelve exquisitely drawn […]

Nursing Associate Degree Information Session

Nursing Information SessionsStudents are required to call and register for all nursing sessions:(936) 633-3200 or (936) 671-7344. All Nursing Sessions Location: Health Careers 1, Room 101  SPRING 2025 Meeting Dates: TUESDAY  |  JAN 21  |  6 PM TUESDAY  |  MARCH 18  |  6 PM

Pharmacy Technology Information Session

Angelina College Health Careers II, Room 223

Interested in this program? Attendance to an information session is mandatory before applying for the program.Pharmacy Technology Information SessionsSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:TUESDAY | FEB 11 | 6 PMTUESDAY | MAR 18 | 6 PMTUESDAY | APR 8 | 6 PMTUESDAY | MAY 6 | 6 PM – VIRTUALLocation:In-Person Sessions: HEALTH CAREERS II, ROOM 223Virtual link:

Career E&D Workshop: Dress for Success

Angelina College Student Center, Room 200D

Career E&D Workshop: DRESS FOR SUCCESS - PROFESSIONAL ATTIRE AND PRESENTATION11AM - 12:30PMSTUDENT CENTER, RM 200D (2ND FLOOR)All students are welcome to attend. This is a free workshop.

AC Open Gym

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Basketball, pickleball, indoor soccer.

Radiologic Tech Information Session


Link for all sessions: in number:+1-571-392-7650PIN: 348 725 0278

Sonography Virtual Info Session

Link for all sessions: Dial-in Information:+1-571-392-7650PIN: 424 648 5615

Cookie Decorating EASTER

Angelina College Community Services (CSS) 3500 S 1st St, Lufkin, TX, United States

EMS Information Session

Angelina College, Health Careers 1, Room 105

Attendance at one of the information sessions is mandatory if you intend to apply to this program.Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Information SessionsFall 2024 Meeting Dates:MONDAY | OCT 7 | 6 PM MONDAY | NOV 4 | 6 PM MONDAY | DEC 2 | 6 PM      Spring 2025 Meeting Dates:MONDAY | APR 7 | 6 PM  MONDAY | […]

🖼️ Graphic Arts Student Show

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Graphic Arts Student ShowApr 8 – 24 | ACA GalleryReception: Tues, April 8 | 6 PMStudents enrolled in Reginald Reynolds’ Graphic Arts studio courses will display their semester of artworks in a group exhibition.

AC Open Gym

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Basketball, pickleball, and indoor soccer

Reception: Graphic Arts Student Show

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Graphic Arts Student Show ReceptionApr 8 | ACA Gallery | 6 PMStudents enrolled in Reginald Reynolds’ Graphic Arts studio courses will display their semester of artworks in a group exhibition.

Pharmacy Technology Information Session

Angelina College Health Careers II, Room 223

Interested in this program? Attendance to an information session is mandatory before applying for the program.Pharmacy Technology Information SessionsSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:TUESDAY | FEB 11 | 6 PMTUESDAY | MAR 18 | 6 PMTUESDAY | APR 8 | 6 PMTUESDAY | MAY 6 | 6 PM – VIRTUALLocation:In-Person Sessions: HEALTH CAREERS II, ROOM 223Virtual link:

🎶 AC Chorale & Friends present: “The Seven Last Words of Christ”

Angelina Center for the Arts and Temple Theater (ACA) 3500 S 1st St, Lufkin, TX, United States

AC Chorale & Friends present: "The Seven Last Words of Christ" by Theodore DuboisThurs, Apr 17 | 6:30 PM | Temple TheaterThe AC Chorale and Friends are pleased to present the Passion story in a major choral setting, complete with soloists and orchestra. Guests include: The East Texas Praise Symphony and local church choirs. Directed […]

Career E&D Workshop: Making the Most of Career Fairs

Angelina College Student Center, Room 200D

Career E&D Workshop: MAKING THE MOST OF CAREER FAIRS - ELEVATOR PITCHES AND NETWORKING11AM - 12:30PMSTUDENT CENTER, RM 200D (2ND FLOOR)All students are welcome to attend. This is a free workshop.

🎭 Outrageous Theatre Student Showcase

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Outrageous TheatreApr 24, 25, 26 (Thurs., Fri., & Sat.) | 7:30 PM | ACA Lab 110 (Black Box)This will be our second annual “Student Showcase.” Last year’s production was completelystudent led and we are hoping to expand on that success. Join us to celebrate our students’artistic efforts.

🎭 Outrageous Theatre Student Showcase

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Outrageous TheatreApr 24, 25, 26 (Thurs., Fri., & Sat.) | 7:30 PM | ACA Lab 110 (Black Box)This will be our second annual “Student Showcase.” Last year’s production was completelystudent led and we are hoping to expand on that success. Join us to celebrate our students’artistic efforts.

🎭 Outrageous Theatre Student Showcase

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Outrageous TheatreApr 24, 25, 26 (Thurs., Fri., & Sat.) | 7:30 PM | ACA Lab 110 (Black Box)This will be our second annual “Student Showcase.” Last year’s production was completelystudent led and we are hoping to expand on that success. Join us to celebrate our students’artistic efforts.

🖼️ Visual Arts Student Show

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Visual Arts Student ShowApr 29 – Jun 27 | ACA GalleryReception: Tues, April 29 | 6 PMStudents enrolled in Le’Anne Alexander’s Visual Arts studio courses will display their semester of artworks in a group exhibition.

Respiratory Care Information Session (updated)

Angelina College Health Careers 2, Room 221

Attendance to an information session is required if you intend to apply to this program. Respiratory Care Information SessionsFall 24 Meeting Dates:TUESDAY | SEP 24 | 5:30 PMTUESDAY | OCT 22 | 5:30 PMTUESDAY | NOV 19 | 5:30 PMSpring 25 Meeting Dates:TUESDAY | JAN 28 | 5:30 PMTUESDAY | FEB 25 | 5:30 PMTUESDAY | […]

Respiratory Care Information Session

Angelina College Health Careers 2, Room 221

Attendance to an information session is required if you intend to apply to this program. Respiratory Care Information SessionsSpring 25 Meeting Dates:TUESDAY | JAN 28 | 5:30 PMTUESDAY | FEB 25 | 5:30 PMTUESDAY | APR 29 | 5:30 PM Location:HEALTH CAREERS II, ROOM 221

Reception: Visual Arts Student Show

Angelina College 101 Sonterra Dr, Lufkin, TX, United States

Visual Arts Student Show ReceptionApr 29  | ACA Gallery | 6 PMStudents enrolled in Le’Anne Alexander’s Visual Arts studio courses will display their semester of artworks in a group exhibition.

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