AC Login Info

Log info and help

AC Student Email

Angelina College uses Gmail as our email provider. If you already have a personal Gmail
account, make sure you log out, before trying to log in to your AC student account.  Your AC
email is the primary location where AC will communicate with you. Make sure you check your
student email regularly.

Your user name is the last three digits of your AC Student ID, your first initial and your last name

Julie Smith has an ID of 90025258.
Her email is :
Her password would be her 8 digit birthdate (mmddyyyy).

If for some reason you can’t log in, please email and provide your full name and last four digits of your Social Security Number (or your full student ID).

Log info and help

myAC Portal

The myAC Portal is where you can register for classes, find your course schedule, check your degree progress, check your admit/registration/financial aid status, and find your bill.

  • Your MyAC Portal username will be the last three (3) digits of your Student ID number, your first initial of your first name and your entire last name.
    • Example: John Doe with Student ID 123456789 would have the username of 789jdoe
  • Your AC Portal Password  will be your eight (8) digit Date of Birth formatted as MMDDYYYY
    • Example: January 3rd, 2001 would be 01032001

If you have difficulty logging in, please click here and provide your full name and last four digits of your Social Security Number (or your full student ID).

Log info and help


Blackboard is the Learning Management System (LMS) used by AC to house course materials and deliver online classes. You can check your grades, syllabus, assignments due, and communicate with your instructors.

Your username will be the last three digits of your AC Student ID number, the initial of your first name, and your full last name (do not use capital letters)

If your Student ID number begins with 900 you must enter a zero (0) before the 900 for your Blackboard Password. Example   090012345 

Your password will be your entire student ID (for example, 123456789)

For example, if Julie Smith’s Student ID number is 6789-12345, her username will be 345jsmith and her password will be 678912345.

If you have difficulty logging in, please click here and provide your full name and last four digits of your Social Security Number (or your full student ID).

Log info and help

Off-Campus Login Credentials for Online Library Resources

o Username:
The last 3 digits of your student ID number, the first letter of your
first name, and your entire last name with no spaces and no capital
letters (ex. 789jsmith)

o Password:
Your entire student ID number (ex: 123456789)

o Username:
The first letter of your first name, and your entire last name with no
spaces and no capital letters (ex. jsmith)

o Password:
Your 8-digit birthdate (ex: 09011968)