Blackboard Tools

Blackboard is the software AC uses to help manage all courses

Blackboard Basics

Logging In

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Find out what your home screen will look like and how to find your courses.

Navigating your courses

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AC uses a standard layout or course shell but you may see minor differences from class to class.

Check your Grades

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You can check your overall course grade as well as grades for individual assignments, tests, or discussion boards.

Submit Assignments

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Find out how to submit assignments in your Blackboard courses.

Quizzes and Exams

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Find out how quizzes and exams work in Blackboard.

Use Discussion Boards

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Many classes use Discussion Boards to facilitate class interaction and allow students to share ideas.

Blackboard Ally

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Find out how Blackboard can adapt to your needs.

Course to Course Navigation

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Find out how to switch between courses in Blackboard.

Course Messages

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Some instructors prefer that you use Blackboard Messages to communicate about your classes. Find out how it works.

Honorlock and SafeAssign

Academic Integrity


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Honorlock is a test proctoring software that is required for all online courses. Click to add the Honorlock extension to your Chrome browser.


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SafeAssign is a tool within Blackboard that detects plagiarism. It is used in all online classes and most classes that use Blackboard.

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