Non-Disclosure Directory

Non-Disclosure of Directory Information for Angelina College

In accordance with the act (PL 93-380, section 513), as amended, and (PL 93-568, section 2), information classified as “Directory Information” may be released to the general public without consent of the student. Angelina College may at its discretion, release Directory Information which shall include:

  • Name, address, telephone number
  • Major
  • Dates of attendance
  • Classification
  • Degrees and awards received
  • Date of graduation
  • Participation in recognized activities and sports
  • Photographs of staged and everyday campus activities

Students may at any time request that all Directory Information be withheld by completing a Non-disclosure Statement located in the Office of Enrollment Services. Once non-disclosure is requested, all directory information will be withheld. A student can at any time change their status back to allow for disclosure of directory information by submitting an official request in writing to the Office of Records. For more information, see the Office of Enrollment Services or call (936) 633-5212.

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