TSI Assessment 2 (TSIA2)

The Texas Suc­cess Initiative Assessment 2.0, now the TSIA2, is a state-man­dat­ed pro­gram that applies to all stu­dents enrolling in Texas pub­lic col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties for the first-time. Stu­dents are required to take the TSI2 to demon­strate col­lege readi­ness, unless one of the following exemptions apply:  

1. Achieved at or above the state exemp­tion scores on ACT, SAT, TAKS or STAAR End of Course (EOC).

2. Earned an asso­ciate or bac­calau­re­ate degree.

3. Com­plet­ed col­lege-lev­el course­work at a pri­vate or inde­pen­dent insti­tu­tion of high­er edu­ca­tion or an accred­it­ed out-of-state insti­tu­tion of high­er education.

4. Attend­ed any insti­tu­tion pre­vi­ous­ly and has been deter­mined to have met readi­ness stan­dards by that institution.

5. Serv­ing on active duty as a mem­ber of the armed forces of the Unit­ed States, the Texas Nation­al Guard, or as a mem­ber of a reserve com­po­nent of the armed forces of the Unit­ed States and has been serv­ing for at least three years pre­ced­ing enrollment.

6. Hon­or­ably dis­charged, retired, or released from active duty as a mem­ber of the armed forces of the Unit­ed States or the Texas Nation­al Guard or ser­vice as a mem­ber of a reserve com­po­nent of the armed forces of the Unit­ed States.

7. An insti­tu­tion may exempt a non-degree-seek­ing or non-cer­tifi­cate-seek­ing student.

The TSI Assess­ment 2.0 is an instruc­tion­al pro­gram designed to enhance the suc­cess of stu­dents in col­lege-lev­el cours­es. The pro­gram pro­motes the ear­ly diag­no­sis of basic skills in math­e­mat­ics (alge­bra & sta­tis­tics), and basic skills in language arts and reading, and man­dates pro­grams to ensure the suc­cess of stu­dents in high­er education.

Based on how you per­form, you may either be enrolled in a col­lege-lev­el course that match­es your skill lev­el or be placed in the appro­pri­ate devel­op­men­tal course or inter­ven­tion to improve your skills and pre­pare you for suc­cess in col­lege-lev­el courses.


Steps to sign up for the TSIA2:

1. Par­tic­i­pate in a Pre-Assess­ment Activ­i­ty (PAA)

2. Regis­ter for the TSIA2

3. Pay for the TSIA2




Angelina College provides the Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA), hosted by Querium, and documents your participation upon completion of the PAA. The activity includes the following:

A description of the approved exemptions;
Practice test questions and feedback;
An explanation of all your developmental education options, if you don’t meet the minimum passing standard; and
Information on campus and community resources that will help you succeed as a college student.
To complete the Pre-Assessment Activity for Angelina College, sign up here.

Your PAA Completion Certificate will be sent to the e-mail you provide. KEEP THIS EMAIL OR PRINT THE CERTIFICATE and email it or have the printed certificate with you when you come for your testing appointment.  You cannot test without this Certificate! If you misplace your certificate or cannot provide it on your test day, you will have to take the PAA again to obtain another certificate. 

The PAA Certificate can be used to take the TSIA2 for one year.



After completing the PAA, use the following online form to register to take the TSIA2:  Reservation Form for TSIA2.



After registering, pay for the TSIA2.

Payment can be made to the Business Office by phone or in person

  • $35  for the Complete TSIA2, ELAR  (English Language Arts Reading) and MATH
  • $17.50 for ELAR  with Essay (Essay dependent on scores of Multiple Choice section)
  • $17.50 for MATH only
  • $17.50 for ELAR Multiple Choice (Retest only)
  • $15 for Essay (Retest only)

AC Business Office: Roadrunner Central in the Student Center / Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm / (936) 633-5318

Payment from the Business Office must be emailed to the Testing Center or presented to testing administrator prior to testing.


Please see the College Board’s Student Portal to help prepare for the TSIA2.

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